Rescued By the Captain Read online

Page 18

  “Excuse me gentlemen, but I need to steal my bride to be away from your adoring attention.”

  All the men groaned as he watched Ivy blush his new favorite color red. He will never grow tired of that color and was going to make sure that she turned that shade every day for the rest of their lives.

  “Bugger off Thornhill you get her for the rest of your days, let us enjoy her for her last night.” Maxwell commented.

  Thorn slid Ivy’s hand into the crook of his arm as he made her away from all her admirers. He chose to ignore Maxwell’s comment.

  “Slow down Thorn, where are you taking me?”

  “You will see in just a moment my dear.”

  He stopped in the middle of the dance floor and pulled Ivy into his arms. He looked down at her and watched the confusion in her eyes give away to understanding. She smiled in understanding and love.

  “May I have this waltz my love?” Marcus asked.

  Ivy nodded her head yes, she was too choked up to talk. Marcus’s thoughtfulness brought tears of joy to her eyes. He was courting her tonight.

  Marcus nodded to the orchestra to begin the waltz. The music started up and Marcus began to dance Ivy across the floor. Their bodies became one as the danced to the powerful melody. Ivy melted into his arms as he led her through the steps. She felt like she was floating through the air in his arms. Ivy knew how much this dance meant to Marcus. It was all the dances that they had missed together through the years. It was also the dance they would remember in the following years to come.

  The ton stood off to the side of the dance floor watching the love they expressed in their dance. Some watched in envy; others watched in awe. There were those who wished that they were swept away by that kind of love. Then there were the others who were so jealous wrapped up in their own misery that they couldn’t appreciate the beauty of the dancers.

  As the dance came to an end, Marcus pulled Ivy to him and kissed her deeply for the whole ton to see. Ivy kissed him back then pulled away laughing as the crowd broke out in applause and laughter. Katherine quickly had the orchestra break into another reel and shook her head at Marcus in disapproval but winked at him her real approval. Young men rushed to Ivy’s side to claim her for the next dance and Marcus knew that his time with her was done for now. He gave Ivy over to her admirers with a promise in her ear; he whispered to steal her away later for a kiss or two.

  Thorn made his way over to the bar set up in the corner of the ballroom. He ordered a whiskey and watched as Ivy was led onto the dance floor by a young pup. He smiled as she danced a country reel, her cheeks flushed with excitement. As he watched his bride to be dancing he also noticed Maxwell making his way over to him.

  “We need to talk Thornhill.”

  “Whatever you have to say can wait. I am not going to ruin Ivy’s night by fighting with you.”

  “You have already ruined Ivy’s night, she just isn’t showing it.”

  Thorn looked at Maxwell in confusion and saw the anger on his face. He then transferred his gaze over to Ivy and saw her watching them as she was twirled around. He saw the hurt in her eyes and saw her shaking her head at Maxwell. He looked back and forth between the two, and then nodded his head at Maxwell to follow him. Thorn led the way to his father’s study. As soon as he strolled through the door he turned on Maxwell.

  “What is this all about?”

  “Maybe you can tell me,” Maxwell said as he produced the linen handkerchief from his pocket.

  Thorn starred down at the piece of cloth in Maxwell’s hand. Had Ivy seen it?

  “Do you want to tell me how that came in your possession?”

  “Oh, I would love to. You see I snuck into your room to retrieve something back that was mine. I think you know what I am referring to and I will want it back. Then I heard somebody else sneaking into your room. I only did what any person would do and hid in your closet. But low and behold I ran into some company in the closet. Now I was not going to complain on this company. It was heaven to be stuck in there with her in such tight conditions. Believe me when I say that I took complete advantage of the situation.”

  Thorn advanced at Marcus in anger. He pulled him close by his cravat and snarled into his face.

  “You better not be saying what I think your saying.”

  “Calm down old man, nothing happened. It was not for lack of trying on my part. But her heart belongs to you and I did not stand a chance.” Maxwell pulled himself away from Thorn straightening his cravat and smoothing his dinner jacket back in place.

  Thorn stalked over to his desk and unlocked the drawer. He pulled out the item that Maxwell was referring to and slid it across the desk.

  Maxwell picked it up and ran his thumb across the smooth surface and slid the object into his pocket. He nodded his head at Thorn in thanks for returning it.

  “I will not explain it to you. Maybe one day but not today. You had no right to take that from by bag. It could have been dire circumstances if this would have been lost and fell into the wrong hands.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be so careless with your treasures.” Thorn taunted.

  “I could say the same to you,” Maxwell said as he waved the handkerchief. He threw it down onto the desk.

  “Did she see it?” Thorn asked as he picked it up and slid it into his pocket.

  “She is the one who gave it to me. She was in tears and is afraid that your heart lies with another lady from your past. Is she correct?”

  “The lady is from my past but not in that way. I think she holds the key to Charles’s whereabouts. But you already know all that information don’t you. You are aware of her and where Charles is. My only question to you is; why?”

  Before Thorn could get his answers from Maxwell, his mother entered the room.

  “There you are. We have been looking all over for you. It is time for your father’s toast. You boys can talk later.”

  Katherine ushered them out of the study and back into the ballroom. Thorn turned to Maxwell and said, “We will finish this discussion later.” Maxwell nodded at him and disappeared in the crowd.

  Ivy had caught glimpses of the young lady all evening. It seemed wherever she went, she was to be followed by her. It was not like she was hard to miss. She was dressed in a red creation that made all the men drool and all the women green with envy. The dress fit her like a glove, tight in all the right places. Ivy envied her herself. The lady looked so comfortable and at ease in such a concoction. Ivy would feel so self-conscious in something so daring.

  But it wasn’t the dress that kept drawing Ivy’s attention to the lady. It was the choker that she was wearing around her neck that drew her attention. It looked familiar; she just needed to get a closer look at it. If it was what Ivy thought it was, then the lady would have some questions to answer. Ivy sent her dance partner off to get her a drink of punch. As soon as he had left her, Ivy started to make her way over to the lady in the red dress.

  As Ivy approached the lady she noticed that the choker she was wearing was her mother’s necklace. The bright red ruby with little diamonds surrounding the stone winked at Ivy as she stared at the familiar heirloom. There was only one way that she could have this and it was because of Charles. Charles never went anywhere without the necklace; he would always wear it as a necklace under his shirt. She had to know where Charles was. He had to have sent her here to help him. Ivy reached for the lady’s hand and squeezed softly.

  “Where is he?” she whispered.

  “Where is who madam?” the lady answered pulling her hands out of Ivy’s grasp.


  “I’m sorry I do not know of any Charles; you must have me mistaken for somebody else.”

  “No, I know you know where he is. You are wearing his necklace.”

  The lady reached up to run her fingers across the choker looking guilty.

  “You are mistaken madam; this is an old family heirloom.”

  “Yes, from my family. Did he send you here? Wh
o are you? Why are you here?” Ivy questioned her in desperation.

  The lady looked over Ivy’s shoulder and turned pale. Ivy turned around to see what or who she was looking at. But the room was too crowded to see what would have made the lady look like she was about to faint. When Ivy turned around again she was gone. Ivy looked around and stood up on her toes to see over the all the guests’ heads. But she was unable to see her, she disappeared in plain sight. Ivy needed to find Thorn and tell him about her. He will help her look for her. Ivy knew that if they found her then she would lead them to Charles.

  Ivy appeared at his side looking distressed.

  “What is the matter my dear?”

  “Thorn, I found somebody who knows where Charles is at.”

  “Who did you find Ivy?”

  “I don’t know who she is, she disappeared. I need you to help me look for her. She is wearing mother’s ruby necklace. The lady is wearing a red dress and has a French accent.”

  Thorn knew who she was talking about. How did she get into the ball is the question? He had Sammy and his men posted all over to look for her. She must have found a way to sneak in. He wouldn’t put it past Maxwell to be the culprit. He didn’t want Ivy looking for her; it would only put her in more danger. Not knowing how stable their uninvited guest was, he needed to get Ivy safely out of the way.

  “I will find her Ivy. I need you to stay here.”

  “No, I want to help you. She has information on Charles.”

  Thorn had to think of a way to keep Ivy out of harm’s way. He saw his mother approaching them.

  “Mother, why don’t you take Ivy to freshen up before Father’s speech?”

  “That is a fabulous idea Thorn.” Katherine said as she ushered Ivy to a receiving room to freshen up.

  Thorn watched as Ivy glared at him over her shoulder as she walked away with his mother. He hoped that his mother would keep Ivy distracted long enough for him to find the lady that Ivy was referring to. She was somewhere at the ball and he was going to find her. As soon as he finds her she will be able to lead him to Charles.

  He decided to walk along the perimeter of the room, he had a feeling that she would not want to draw notice to herself and would keep to the shadows. The question is why she took the danger of coming to the ball; she had to know that somebody would notice her and question her why she was here. From what Ivy said she was waving a red flag, so she wanted to be noticed. With wearing the Mallory ruby necklace, she was hoping to be seen. Maybe Charles sent her here.

  He noticed her by the balcony windows; she was standing out in her red dress. She was the red flag tempting the bull for attention. Thorn slid up behind her and caught her by surprise. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “Would you like a breath of fresh air my lady?”

  Thorn watched as she turned around in surprise. She started to back away from him, looking around for an exit. He grabbed her arm quickly before she could dart away and pulled her close to him.

  “Going somewhere?” he asked.

  “Let me go Captain Thornhill. I am not your prisoner anymore.”

  “You were never my prisoner Ms. LeClair. I was helping your father not harming him.”

  “You killed him and I am here to avenge him anyway that I can.”

  “Is Charles Mallory part of your revenge?”

  She paled at the mention of Charles name. A look came into her eyes of confusion. Thorn could not interpret the look. It seemed for a split second that she showed true emotion at the mention of Charles’s name. Then the look of anger and revenge entered her eyes again. She pulled at her arm trying to break free. He needed to get her out of here before she started causing a scene. Also, before Ivy spotted them. He pushed opened the balcony doors and pulled her through.

  “Let me go Captain Thornhill,” she hissed.

  “Not until you answer my questions Ms. LeClair.” Thorn said as he ushered her down the stairs and into the garden.

  Thorn led Raina LeClair deep into the garden away from the ball and the guests wandering the grounds. She struggled in his hold, but Thorn held her arm tightly, only letting her go once they reached the back gate. It was dark this far back in the garden, with only the moon to guide them. He let her go and watched while she looked around for a way to escape. Leaning against the gate he kept an eye on her movements. When she finally realized she had nowhere to run, she rushed at him in her anger.

  She started beating him on his chest. But Thorn was not going to have any of this as he grabbed her wrists and held them tightly in his grasp. He wrenched her close and glared down into her face. She whimpered from his hold on her. Seeing fear mixed with anger in her eyes, Thorn loosened his hold.

  “Are you ready to answer my questions Ms. LeClair?”

  She remained silent, glaring at him with her eyes half lowered. Turning her head to the side to ignore him, she moved her arms, trying to loosen his hold of her wrists. As she struggled, Thorn only tightened his hold more.

  Sighing with defeat, “Yes Captain.”

  “Are you working with Shears?”

  She looked up into his face, smiling with scorn, “Oui.”

  “Why? Your father would not have wanted you involved with this.”

  “Do not speak of my father. You killed him. Shears promised me my revenge on you.”

  “Raina, I was helping your father get out of France. England was going to protect your father and you from men like Shears. We were double crossed; I am sorry for that. But I did not kill your father.”

  “But in the end, we were not protected were we Captain.”

  “I can help you now Raina. Take me to Charles and we can protect you from Shears.”

  “Nobody can be protected from Shears. He has too many connections. Can you not see how guarded he is? There are men in your own government that protect him and destroy people like me for fun.”

  “I have strong connections myself. As does Charles. I know that you have been caring for him.”

  Her eyes clouded over at the mention of Charles’s name. She became even more guarded and alert. Thorn could see the emotions playing across her face whenever he mentioned Charles. He decided that he needed to talk about Charles more to break her.

  “I know that he needs care Raina. When I was at the cave I saw the blood. He must have lost a good amount. At your cottage I also saw the bandages, I know you have been trying to care for him yourself. Let me help him. If he doesn’t get the help he needs soon, he could die. Will your revenge be complete then?”

  Raina gasped at the image Thorn was describing. Tears slowly started to slide out of her eyes. Her body stopped struggling against his hold. Finally, he was getting through to her.

  “I will take you to him. We must hurry though. Shears is planning to gather the weapons from his warehouse tonight and put his plan into action.”

  “Where is Charles?”

  “Down in a cave on the beach. Maxwell moved us there after Shears found our location at the cottage.”

  “Did he move Mallory where Shears could find him? How deep is Maxwell’s involvement with Shears?” Thorn questioned Raina.

  “He is in deep with him. But not enough to risk his friend’s life. The Earl was helping me save Charles. Please lets hurry, I do not want his blood on my hands. I could not live myself.”

  Thorn could hear the raw emotion in Raina’s voice when she spoke of Charles. She cared for him, it was obvious. But did she care enough for him to save him. Was she going to lead Thorn to Charles or was she playing out her revenge and leading him into Shears’s hands. Either way he had to try and save Charles’s life.

  Loosening his hold on her wrists, he kept her close to his side. He still did not trust her enough to let her go. Sending out a sharp whistle, he waited for his men to join him. As they came out of their hiding places in the garden, he instructed them on his plan.

  “Lead the way Ms. LeClair. Let us hope that we are not too late.”

  Chapter 26

bsp; Ivy glared at Thorn over her shoulder. As soon as she was free from Katherine she would find the mystery lady herself. She was tired of being left behind. Charles was her brother and he needed her. Why else would he have sent the message that he did? Who was the lady afraid of? Somebody spooked her off.

  Ivy let Katherine fuss over her. Her hair and gown were freshened up. Katherine kept chattering about the success of the ball. As she talked; Ivy came up with an idea to get away from her.

  “Katherine, can you please get me a fresh pair of slippers? I’m afraid that I have worn these things through with all the dancing tonight.”

  “Of course my dear; let me send for Mabel to get you a new pair. You rest for a bit while I get those for you.”

  As soon as Katherine left the room to call for Mabel, Ivy slipped out and ran down the hall. She climbed the stairs to look out over the entire ballroom. Ivy saw the fabric of the dress before she saw the girl. The red stood out against all the white curtains that she was standing by. She noticed that the girl’s arm was being held by a gentleman and they were arguing. Ivy stood on her tiptoes to catch a glimpse of the man. She gasped as she realized it wasn’t just any man that was holding the girl’s arm in affection but it was her fiancé’s hand that was holding onto her arm so possessively. Ivy could tell that they were arguing and watched as Thorn glanced around the room to make sure that nobody was watching him as he slid them through the balcony doors. Ivy clutched the railing for support as her knees went weak. She was distressed that Thorn would leave with the girl.

  Ivy straightened herself up and moved quickly down the stairs. She was not going to get answers by being the damsel in distress. Hurrying after them, she slid through the balcony doors and watched them take the stairs down to the gardens. She hurried after them but lost them through the maze. Their dark clothes blended into the night.

  Ivy wandered through the maze hoping to catch a glimpse of them. With no luck on finding them, she turned around to head back into the party. She would find Zane and he would help her find the mystery lady and Thorn. Then hopefully it would lead them to finding Charles.