Rescued By the Captain Page 19
Ivy heard footsteps behind her. When she turned around to look, she saw nothing but the darkness. She had wandered further into the maze than she realized. There were no lights to guide her along the path. Ivy picked up her pace but the footsteps were drawing closer. For the first time ever at Thornhill she felt frightened. Lowering her hands, she picked up her skirts and took off at a run. Her follower began to run after her. She could her them gaining ground on her. She began to see the lights and knew that she was close to the house. But suddenly she was grabbed from behind and brought up against a hard, male chest.
She could smell the scent of sandalwood on her abductor. He wrapped an arm around Ivy and held her close while his other hand covered her mouth. He pulled her back into the trees to hide them. Ivy fought against his restraints and tried to bite at his hand covering her mouth. She could taste the fear in her mouth. His hold on her tightened while he shushed her to be quiet. The voice sounded familiar to Ivy but she was unable to figure out who was holding her. His voice was muffled in her hair. He leaned his head down to whisper in her ear.
“Stay still and do not make a single sound. Do you understand?”
Ivy nodded her head that she understood. Her body sagged against her captor. She recognized the voice as Zane’s’. She knew that she was safe in his arms. He still held her tightly to his body. Ivy could feel how alert he was; his arms were tense around her. He seemed to be prepared for whatever trouble that lied in wait for them.
As soon as Ivy was able to relax she heard the voices whispering in the darkness.
“Where did she go?”
“I don’t know Captain; she was just here a second ago. She was within my grasp.”
“Well you’ve lost her. Comb the area and be quick about it. We do not want to get caught here.”
Ivy could hear the men searching for her. She recognized the voice of Captain Shears. She shivered at the sound of his voice. Ivy clutched her hands around Zane’s arm in fear of being found. Zane backed them further into the shadows. He understood her fear when his arms wrapped around her to keep her hidden and protected.
“She is nowhere to be found Captain.”
“Let us get back to the ship. I have other things to attend to tonight. The lovely Lady Ivy will just have to wait for my attention. She will have it soon enough.” Captain Shears laughed.
Zane waited until he heard the footsteps disappear before he brought them out of the shadows. He withdrew his hand from her mouth. As he started to pull away from her he felt her sway. Pulling in closer he held her in his arms, his hand caressing her back in comfort. He closed his eyes as he locked this memory in his heart to last him forever.
She felt so right in his arms. He knew that is was wrong to feel this way about her, she was his friend’s fiancé. But still she was a woman first and foremost. A woman that he had come to care for and admire over the years. He knew that he was clouding their friendship with his desire to be with her. Taking these few stolen moments with her would have to last him. For after tonight her feelings for him would change and in the end, he will probably lose the most important thing he valued the most. Her friendship.
“Are you all right Ivy?”
“I will be fine Zane as soon as I find Thorn. Thank you for saving me from Captain Shears.”
“We need to get you inside the house to safety. I do not know how they were able to get on the property, but it is not a good sign that they are here.”
“I am not going inside. I need your help. Thorn has wandered off with a lady. I must find her. I think she knows the whereabouts of Charles.”
“What makes you think that Ivy?”
“She is wearing mother’s necklace. Charles never goes anywhere without that necklace. Who do you think she is Zane and how is she connected to Charles?”
Zane released Ivy, walking away from her, and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He needed to come clean with Ivy. His friendship lay in the balance. He could not lie to her anymore. It would put her in more harm, but this all needed to end tonight. It was becoming increasingly dangerous. He wasn’t going to risk her life anymore. The next time she wouldn’t be safe and Shears would grab her. He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t try to put a stop to all of this.
Ivy watched Zane pace back and forth along the garden path. He seemed deep in thought as he weighed something heavy on his mind. Also, his behavior towards her, had changed dramatically. He no longer acted the fun, loving friend, but more of a man who desired her. In all their years as friends, he never crossed the line as he had today towards her. She felt his desire earlier today and moments ago, as he comforted her. Ivy did not want to lose his friendship, she needed to find out what was troubling him into acting in this desperate behavior.
“What is the matter Zane?”
Zane turned around and saw the concern on Ivy’s face. Even through all her troubles and despair she still bestowed him with her friendship. He just hoped that he would not lose it when he told her the truth.
“The lady you are searching for is Raina LeClair and she does know the whereabouts of Charles.”
“Raina LeClair. Is she the RL on the white linen that was in Thorn’s room?”
“Does Thorn know her?”
“Yes, but I don’t know how. He told me she is a part of his past.”
“Is Charles in danger with this woman?
“At one time, I would have said yes.”
“What does that mean?”
“She is working with Shears. But as she took care of your brother, I could tell her feelings were changing. She has come to care for Charles very much.”
“How do you know all of this Zane?”
“It is a long story Ivy, but the short of it is that I am just as much involved with Shears that Raina is.”
Ivy stared at him in shock taking in his confession.
“Why what Ivy?”
“Why on everything. Why Shears? Why Raina? Why Charles?”
“Shears has information that I need. I have been working with him to gain that information. Along the way, Raina was introduced into his plan. She began to change as she captured Charles. She found him along the side of the road and took him to her cottage. Wanting to seek her revenge against your family, she held him hostage.”
“What did my family ever do to her?”
“It was not your family but who you were all connected to like a family.”
“What information would Shears have for you to betray your country? Are you a double agent?”
“I cannot answer those questions Ivy. But I believe you know the true answers to them if you look deep enough into your heart.”
“Do you know where Charles is right now?”
“Take me to him now and we will get all of this figured out later. I am so disappointed with you right now for keeping Charles’s whereabouts from us.”
“I hope one day you will be able to forgive me for all of this and for what is to come.”
Chapter 27
Zane led Ivy to the stables and saddled Mercury for them to ride. He pulled her up in front of him and they rode off. Ivy noticed that Zane was heading to the cliffs. She wanted to tell him that Thorn and she had already checked the caves out. But she stayed silent because obviously he knew more of Charles’s whereabouts than she did.
As Ivy and Zane made their way to the cliffs a fog had started to settle low. Zane led the horse down a path to the beach. Mercury was hesitant on the direction she was going but let Zane guide her along. He led the horse to a nearby tree, jumping down he tied it to tree. Reaching to pull Ivy off the horse, he was suddenly grabbed from behind. Zane was pulled back by two men and held against his will.
“We will take it from here Maxwell. Thank you for your assistance.”
“Do not lay a hand on her Shears. She is not part of the deal.”
br /> “Well she is now. Take her to the ship and do not let her out of your sight this time.”
Ivy let out a scream as Shears men pulled her off the horse and began to carry her to his ship. She struggled in their arms lashing out any way that she could. She screamed louder hoping that somebody would come to her rescue. The town was a half mile off the shore so she was hoping that her screams would carry. She managed to get one of her arms free, lashing out with a slap at the pirate and scratching her nails down his face. He dropped her at the attack, but the other pirate kept dragging her across the sand. Ivy dug her feet into the sand trying to slow down her attacker. As Ivy’s dress dragged along the water’s edge it made her heavier to carry. With her skirt becoming heavier it made her unable to be dragged very far.
“You men are worthless. How can you not handle one mere girl?” Shears shouted angrily at his crew.
He approached them and ripped apart the wet skirt from her dress. Picking her up he threw Ivy over his shoulder. Ivy felt a scene of déjà vu. With panic overcoming her, Ivy fought her captor. She did not want this to play out into the same scene again. The Captain only tightened his hold as he continued to the boat that would row them to his ship. Ivy needed to be saved before they reached the water’s edge.
“Load Maxwell on the ship and continue to empty the cave. We need to leave before Thornhill realizes he is missing something,” Shears laughed at his own joke.
The rest of his crew laughed along with him.
“You’re a little too late for that. You will not be leaving anywhere tonight. Put her down now.”
Ivy heard Thorn but could not see him. Obviously, Shears did not know where he was because he turned them around in circles looking for him.
“Show yourself Thornhill. You are outnumbered; my men have this beach surrounded.”
Thorn laughed, “That is what you think. Now I’m not going to keep repeating myself. I said to put her down now.”
Shears slid her down and pulled her in front of him as a shield. He slid an arm around her waist to keep her as a prisoner against his body. Then with his other hand he pulled his knife from his waistband and slid it across her throat.
“Oh, I have put her down Thornhill, but I will not be releasing her now or anytime soon. I won’t say it again, show yourself now or the little lady here will get cut.” He ran the blade across her cheek. “We would not want to mar this beautiful skin would be Captain?”
Thorn emerged from the trees. He was not alone. The mystery lady from the ball wearing the red dress was with him. Thorn was pulling her along after him. She was struggling under his hold but Thorn was determined that she stay with him. He had not made up his mind yet what side she was on. She started out on Shears side but after the conversation they had in the garden he thinks that she changed sides due to her feelings for Charles. But this was war and you can trust no one at a time like this unless they hold your heart in their hands.
“Maybe we can make a trade?” Thorn asked Shears.
Shears laughs, “You can keep that one; she is a traitor just like her father was.”
“How do you know my father?” the young lady asked angrily.
“Who do you think had your father killed mademoiselle? It was my crew who attacked the Captain’s ship. Your father double crossed me on my arms deal. He developed a conscience after your mother and brother were killed. He didn’t want his dealings to kill you too, so he made a deal with the Captain there.”
“But my mother and brother was killed in a carriage accident.”
“Yes, I know,” Shears said with a deadly smile.
“You animal I am going to make sure you die,” the girl struggled out of Thorns arms advancing on Shears with her knife pulled out.
Thorn managed to pull her back and grab the knife out of her hand.
“What do you want Shears? Name your terms and I will meet them if you release Ivy.”
“What your precious Hedera?”
“Release her!” Thorn shouted.
“She does not know does she? How quaint. Could never understand why you named your boat that until I came across this delicious package. You chased me for years and ruined many deals for me. I tried for years to find your Achilles Heel until I ran across this quiet, sleepy little village. What a surprise when it came to my attention that this was where you were from. Then when I found out that your Hedera was from here too; I knew that I just had to have her for my own.”
“Why would you want Thorn’s ship for your own?” Ivy asked in confusion.
Shears laughed at her innocence.
“Not his ship love, but you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Do you want to tell her Captain, or shall I? Oh, let me. I do love a good tale. Hedera stands for Ivy. He named his ship after you. It is such a romantic story. He must have loved you all along. But have you loved him too? Or is it young Maxwell over there that you love? Oh well, either way this tale is going to have such a tragic ending. When I am done with you, neither one of them will want to touch you.”
“If you lay one hand on her I will hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.” Maxwell threatened as he struggled to get free.
“Oh, I do so love a love triangle. Her charms must be delicious to have two gentlemen fighting for her honor. But the question is; who does Lady Ivy love? Does she love the Captain who has held a tender for her all these years? Or does she love the best friend that she trusted; but has betrayed her trust and her country. Maxwell, you do not have any bargaining power to be making such threats against me.”
“It is not a threat but a promise Shears.”
“Well I am not scared; it will be hard for you to harm me while you are hanging for treason. Shall we tell your friends here of your involvement with my little terror plot that I have organized on these English shores.”
“There is nothing to tell that they probably have not already guessed Shears,” Maxwell replied to the Captain’s taunts.
“Yes, I can see that, but don’t you think they want to hear all the tiny little details on how you came to me to make this all happen. That if it were not for your involvement in the first place we would not be here on these shores.”
“Let him talk Maxwell, I am curious of your involvement. After I hear how you have put Ivy’s life in danger by bringing that scum into our lives, I will take great pleasure in killing you after I have killed him.” Thorn said nodding his head at Shears.
Ivy screamed out no at the threat towards Zane. She couldn’t let Thorn hurt him, Ivy had an idea why Zane was involved with Shears but she did not want to blow Zane’s cover. She would explain it all to Thorn after they got free. Trying of a way to distract Shears too free herself from his grasp, she saw out of the corner of her eye the cabin boy Tommy who helped her escape from Shears once before; coming to her rescue again. She saw that he was holding a small pistol in his hand. His hands were shaking from fear but he kept moving forward to help her.
“Let her go,” the young voice rang out as he pointed the gun into Shear’s back.
As the Captain turned around at Tommy’s voice Ivy relaxed her body into a faint making Shears lose his grip on her. Ivy managed to break free and run from the Captain. The young boy’s distraction guided Thorn to move forward and push Ivy away out of the Captain’s reach. The Captain back handed Tommy across the face sending him flying backwards onto the sand. The men holding Maxwell captive distracted by watching their Captain attack the young cabin boy were caught unaware as Maxwell started punching them too free himself. He managed to knock them out by striking them repeatedly across the face.
Meanwhile Thorn advanced on Shears pulling out his sword. The Captain pulled out his sword and they danced around each other. Each was waiting for the right moment and angle to strike one another. Their swords started clashing against each other. They advanced and retreated their movements becoming quicker with each angry sweep of their arms imposing danger onto each other.
ran towards Tommy and scooped him into her arms carrying him to the safety of the trees. She owed the young boy her life once again. She would protect him and make sure no harm came to him. Thorn and her will make sure that he had a place in their home. Holding the young boy, she soothed him as she watched Thorn defend her honor.
Thorn could see out of the corner of his eye while he fought Shears that Ivy had gotten the young boy and herself to safety. He fought with all his anger and fear that was built up in him. With each slash of his sword he felt his anger grow. He could tell that Shears was tiring. He may play the part of a Captain pirate, but he couldn’t play the game as well. He backed him up to the wall outside of the cave. With a quick jab of his sword, he knocked the sword from Shears’s hand. He raised his sword to the captain’s neck and held it there.
“It would be my greatest pleasure to end this now, but the King and country will take great pleasure in watching your hanging. For now, I will just have to take my pleasure in handing you over to them.” Thorn said as he slightly nicked his sword across the Captain’s neck drawing blood.
Thorn raised his hand, giving the signal for Sammy and his crew to come out of hiding. Thorn’s crew came out of the shadows and began to gather up Shears’s men. He turned Shears around and tied his hands behind his back and knocking him hard behind the knees to drop him to the ground.
“Get some lights and search the caves. Mallory is hidden inside one of them. Hurry is life is in grave danger, we must get him some medical attention quick,” Thorn ordered.
Sammy lit a torch and entered the cave, he let out a holler that he found him and Thorn rushed into the cave to rescue him. He carried him out and brought him over to lie beside Ivy. Reaching up he cupped Ivy’s cheek.
“He is alive my love.”
With tears sliding slowly from her eyes down her check she turned her head and placed a soft kiss in his palm.
“Thank you my love.”