Rescued By the Captain Read online

Page 21

  Ivy finished dressing and ran down the hallway to Charles’s room. She rushed inside his room and saw him sitting up in bed eating breakfast. She ran and jumped on the bed hugging him.

  “Oh, Charles you had us so worried. I am so glad you are safe.”

  Everybody laughed at Ivy’s greeting even Charles. He winced at her enthusiasm on seeing him. He was still sore around the ribs. Thorn saw his discomfort and pulled Ivy away.

  “Easy love he is still a bit sore.”

  “I am sorry Charles, I’m so happy we have found you,” she sat back down on the bed reaching for his hand, “You must tell us everything.”

  Charles explained to the group about his work with the Crown on putting a stop to the treason plot. He laid out Shears involvement with the French government and their plans to bring the war onto English soil. He infiltrated their organization to learn the ins and outs of their plans. He was close to finding out when it would all take place when he was sabotaged outside the Margate Inn and Ivy was kidnapped.

  His memory is unclear after that. He said he had drifted in and out of conscious since he was badly beaten. Only recall bits and pieces of his time away. He remembers a young lady named Raina taking care of him. Knowing at first, she was out for revenge while she held him captive in her cabin, but over time they had come to care for one another and she had softened towards him. He explained how she feared Shears and that is why she would have ran away.

  “But how does Maxwell play into all of this?” Thorn asked.

  “It is complicated, most of what I am not at liberty to say. It is top government information. But from where it stands, if you say that he left with Shears on his own free will instead of keeping him captured; then he will be a wanted man. I was working alongside him on this, but all along I had a feeling he had his own agenda. What it is; is a mystery to me. I only hope that he finds what he seeks before it gets him killed.”

  The room stayed quiet, everybody processing their own thoughts on Maxwell’s level of guilt. Ivy knows in her heart that whatever he is after is not done for treason but for what is in his heart. She hopes that he stays safe and solves his problems to come home again.

  “What I am is very grateful to you Thorn my friend for rescuing Ivy. We all know it was not the first time and certainly will not be the last. I hope you are prepared for a long life of it.” Charles teased Ivy.

  Thorn laughed and pulled Ivy up into his arms for a hug and quick kiss.

  “It is something I very much look forward too. You had better get healed enough to walk, we have a wedding in a week. I need my best man to stand up with me.”

  “I would be honored Thorn,” Charles replied.

  “Well then let us leave so you can rest. Ivy you come with me, we have last minute preparations for this wedding. You men can take care of the cargo that arrived overnight in the stable yard and dispense with it accordingly.” Katherine directed.

  They left Charles to rest. As their parents made their way downstairs, Thorn pulled Ivy into a tiny alcove for a quick kiss.

  “One more week my love and you will be all mine,” Thorn said.

  “Finally, Thorn, I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to come to your senses,” Ivy teased.

  “Imp,” Thorn kissed Ivy thoroughly for her teasing, leaving her lightheaded as he spun her away from him.

  Ivy laughed as Thorn ran down the stairs after their fathers. Smiling to herself as she watched him hurry after them. She was going to join Katherine but she wanted to talk with Charles a little more. She could tell that something was bothering him and she wanted to help if she could. Ivy walked back to his room and slid the door open quietly, not wanting to wake him if he had fallen back asleep. But Charles wasn’t lying in bed; he was standing at the window looking at something in his hands.

  “Charles, are you all right? You seem lost.”

  Charles looked up at the sound of Ivy’s voice. He watched his sister walk into the room and over to his side. Ivy had always been his confidant. It bothered him when he could not tell her about his work for the Crown. If he did maybe she wouldn’t have been so curious and followed him everywhere. It was her curiosity that had gotten both of them in grave danger. He should have trusted her with his secret. But then if all of this had not happened, he would never have met Raina.

  “I guess I am a little. I feel if I have lost a part of my soul that I do not know if I will ever get back.”

  “You will recover fully Charles,” Ivy replied misunderstanding him.

  He smoothed the piece of linen out that Thorn had returned to him earlier. Thorn had explained how he found the clue in their secret cave. Charles had told him he left it there for him to find to let him know that he was well and alive. He slid his fingers over the initials RL, hoping for any kind of connection to her.

  Ivy saw what Charles had in his possession; the handkerchief that was in Thorn’s room. She wondered how Charles had it. The last time she had seen it was when Zane took it.

  “Where did you get that Charles?”

  “Thorn returned it to me. It belongs to Raina.”

  “Why would he give it to you? Doesn’t it belong to somebody that he cares about, a memento?”

  “Ivy, the only woman Thorn cares about or has ever cared about is you silly goose.”

  “But he kept it hidden in his room among his personal items.”

  “You are letting your imagination get away with you again,” Charles teased.

  Ivy sat down and curled up in the oversized chair next to his bed. She patted the bed for him to lie back down. Charles made his way back to the bed slowly and slid back under the covers. He closed his eyes weary from the short journey.

  “Well then tell me the story behind it,” Ivy urged.

  “This belongs to Raina LeClair. She is the young lady from the beach that used to be involved with Shears. When she decided that I was not a threat and she began to see how wrong she was in her revenge we decided to move locations where Shears couldn’t find us. That is when I took her to the cave. While we were hiding out at the cave waiting for Maxwell to come take us to a secure location that he found, my wounds opened. I started to bleed badly. Raina used her handkerchief to stop the bleeding. I left it there because I knew that eventually Thorn would search the cave. I wanted him to know that I was well.”

  “Zane knew all along where you were. Why would he lie to me?” Ivy asked hurt and confused.

  “Because I told him not to tell anybody about my whereabouts. I knew that Shears and his men were waiting to capture you again. I didn’t want you coming to me and being in danger. We decided that he would act his carefree self and find out what information that all of you knew.”

  Ivy sat quiet for a while. It frustrated her that all the men in her life wanted to shelter her. She knows that they do it out of love. It hurt that Zane felt he couldn’t confine in her. He was obviously very troubled over something. She just wished that she could help him, but knows that she can’t. If ever in the future she could she will.

  “Why did you look so lost when I came in?”

  “I am worried about her Ivy. I don’t know where she has gone and I am too weak to go looking for her. I know that Thorn has men out looking for her, but they won’t find her. She knows how to live underground.”

  “You care for her, don’t you?”

  Charles looked over at Ivy and nodded his head. He did not quite know the depth of his feelings; they were all so new to him. But he did care for her.

  “You gave her mother’s necklace.”

  “Yes, it was to be a sign for you to know that I was alive.”

  “When I tried to confront her, she ran Charles.”

  “Something or somebody must have spooked her.”

  “Why do you want to look for her? You are found and need time to heal. Also, you still need to bring Shears to a halt.”

  “She has nobody Ivy. I have developed feelings for her that I do not understand. What I must do is find he
r and keep her safe. She is a good person Ivy; she has just been through many horrible ordeals in her life.”

  Ivy reached over and squeezed her brother’s hand. Her brother had the kindest heart. If he saw good in her; then there was good in her. She would support her brother and help him in any way that she can.

  “Well then we must get you feeling better so that you can go and find her. If you like her then I will too.” Ivy leaned over and brushed a kiss across his cheek.

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  Ivy squeezed his hand in reply.

  “Well I am finally glad to see that you have brought our boy to his knees. It took you long enough.

  Ivy smiled, “I love him so much Charles. He has made me the happiest girl in the world.”

  “I know he has and you have made him just as happy. I wish you two the very best in the world.”

  “Well get some sleep we will have a wedding you need to attend soon,” Ivy said as she left the room. She made her way down to help Katherine prepare for the wedding.

  Thorn made his way to the stable. George and Hamilton were already directing the men to the destructions of the weapons. The authorities had arrived and were loading Shears’s men that were captured onto the wagons to be taken into custody. They would be taking them to Newgate Prison in London. There would be no trial for these men; they were found in the acts of committing treason to the Crown. They would be hung for their crimes. Since everything seemed to be taken care of Thorn wandered further into the stables looking for young Tommy. He found him in a stall playing with some newborn kittens.

  “You can have one of them for your own,” Thorn offered as he knelt to pet the kittens.

  “But I don’t have anywhere to keep one sir?”

  “Well that is why I am here. I was wondering if you would like to stay with Ivy and me.”

  “Really sir?” Tommy asked.

  “Yes really,” Thorn chuckled.

  “I would like to work for you sir.”

  “Not work Tommy, live with us as our son. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude; you have saved my lady’s life twice now.”

  Tommy lowered his head as Thorn praised him; embarrassed by the compliments.

  “I would be honored sir.”

  “I only ask one thing for now, that we keep this a secret from Lady Ivy. I think this would be a very nice wedding present. Don’t you?”

  Tommy jumped up in excitement and quickly hugged Thorn. He backed away quickly and bent down to pick up a kitten.

  “I will keep our secret.”

  Thorn patted Tommy on the shoulders as he exited the stall. He smiled as he thought of what Ivy’s reaction would be to this news.

  Chapter 31

  The morning of their wedding arrived. It was a beautiful summer day full of sunshine and love in the air. The church was full of Katherine’s beloved roses. Thorn waited for Ivy at the altar of Thornhill Church. The pews were packed with the well-wishers and the gossipers wanting to catch a glance of the lovely couple. He stood waiting with calm as Ivy appeared in the doorway. She took his breath away with her loveliness. She floated down the aisle on George’s arm smiling all the way. It was really her smile that took his breath away. Her smile was so confident of their love that they shared.

  They joined hands at the altar and spoke their vows in front of their loved ones. After the ceremony, their family and friends wished them well. Ivy glimpsed Tommy standing with their family dressed as a proper young gentleman. He winked at her as she walked down the aisle on Marcus’s arm.

  Ivy stopped and knelt to his height.

  “Well don’t you look like a proper gent,” Ivy teased him.

  Tommy bowed before her.

  “Can we tell her the good news sir?” Tommy looked at Thorn as he loudly whispered his request.

  “I think she may have her wedding present now.” Thorn whispered back.

  “What is all this secrecy?” Ivy joined in whispering.

  Thorn rested his hand on Tommy’s shoulder gently squeezing, “I have asked young Thomas here if he would like to be our son and he has agreed.”

  Ivy brought her hand up to her mouth as she let out a gasp. Tears came to her eyes as she looked at Marcus in surprise. When he nodded his head yes to her unasked question she wrapped her arms around Tommy, hugging him tightly.

  “This is the best wedding present I could have ever received,” she told Tommy kissing him on the cheek.

  Tommy blushed but returned Ivy’s hug. He had never felt the arms of a mother before and knew that he was going to enjoy Lady Ivy’s hugs.

  Ivy rose and kissed Thorn on the cheek. She laced her fingers with his; then held out her other hand for Tommy to hold as they walked out of the church as a family.

  Katherine guided the guests back to the house for the breakfast reception. Tommy returned to the house with his new grandparents. Thorn had plans of his own before they made their appearance as husband and wife. As he loaded Ivy into the carriage he whispered his plan to Sammy. Sammy took them on a detour; dropping them off at the back of the rose garden.

  “Why are we stopping here Marcus?”

  “I have a surprise for you my dear wife.”

  “I love the sound of that.”

  “And I love saying it my dear wife.”

  Ivy smiled at him as he guided her to the same exact spot they had kissed all those years ago. Marcus gathered her hands in his and leaned down to kiss her. He kissed her as he had kissed her for the first time. The kiss started off slow and gentle with passion overtaking it as it had once ago.

  “I was a fool all those years ago Ivy. I will make many foolish mistakes in our years to come, but I will never run from our love again. I love you my sweet Ivy.”

  “I love you Marcus Thornhill will all my heart. I loved you then as a girl but I will love you for the rest of our days as your wife. We will make mistakes together but our love will correct them.”

  “I have a present for you.”

  “Oh, but I do not have anything for you.”

  “Your love is the only present I need and want. I have brought you here because this place holds a special meaning in both of our hearts. It is here that I want to tell you of my love.”

  Marcus guided Ivy to the bench next to the waterfall and sat down beside her. He held onto her hands and he smiled into her eyes. When he began to speak the words, Ivy was so overcome by his love for her, she could only listen.

  Ivy My Love

  Your love is like a vine

  Forever clinging to my heart

  It tangles up in between my jagged thorns

  I try to break apart

  To free myself from your love

  But you have grown so heavy in my thoughts

  I will let you go for now

  For you need to grow wild and free

  But I will return to you with my love

  And our love will cling forever between the ivy and the thorns

  “I have returned to you with my love and I pledge my promise to you to never break apart from our love again.”

  Tears of happiness slid from Ivy’s eyes as she smiled at him. Her love had finally come home to her. From their first kiss, to the empty years without him, led them to this moment of true joy. Ivy would not have it had any other way. It was what made their love unbreakable.

  Ivy snuggled into Thorn on the bench and whispered her words of love to him, stealing kisses in between. As Thorn held her, content in their love.

  It was there that Katherine found them holding hands, kissing, and laughing like two young kids in love. She smiled as she watched them, knowing that finally they had found each other again. Looking up, she smiled at her friend and winked. She made her way back into the reception as she left them to their happiness.


  Ivy backed out of the room quietly, closing the door behind her softly; she didn’t want to awaken Tommy. He was exhausted from his first day in London. Thorn had taken him sightseeing. It was
hard to calm him down from all his excitement. He told her they rode through Hyde Park and visited the Tower Bridge. Tommy told Ivy that Thorn bought him an ice and they watched all the ships on the Thames as they crossed under the bridge. Ivy finally got him to go to sleep with promises of more sightseeing tomorrow.

  She smiled to herself at what a wonderful addition he made to their family as she slid her hand across her stomach. He was going to make a wonderful older brother. She couldn’t wait to tell Thorn her wonderful news. That is why she stayed back today, so that she could visit the doctor.

  Ivy passed Sims the butler of Hillston House on her way to Thorn’s study.

  “That will be all tonight Sims. You and the rest of the staff can have an early night.” Ivy smiled sweetly at him.

  He bowed as he said, “Thank you Lady Ivy, I will let the rest of the staff know.”

  Ivy watched as Sims gathered the footmen and ushered them below stairs. She heard him tell the staff to finish for the night and to get to their rooms. She smiled to herself at what they must think of her telling them to retire when it was still light outside. Well it was only time she could get Thorn to herself with Tommy afoot. She was so excited to share this wonderful news with him.

  She slid open the study door, locking it behind her, and leaned back against the doors holding onto the door handles. Ivy watched Thorn reading a letter with a very serious expression on his face. He still had not noticed that Ivy had entered the room. Ivy moved across the room to stand in front of his mahogany desk and he still did not acknowledge her presence. Tilting her head, she tried to see who had written him such a serious letter. Still unable to figure out who wrote the letter and unable to draw Thorn’s attention; Ivy let out a little cough.

  Thorn looked up in confusion and saw Ivy standing in front of his desk. When had she entered the room? He glanced past her, observing that the study door was closed and the house was very quiet. Looking back at Ivy again, he read the curiosity in her eyes. He was going to have to show her the letter. It would upset her, but it was far better than her trying to find out any other way. When she tried to find out things her way she only ended up in more trouble.